andy’s english channel swim: august 2007

July 30, 2007

2007 07 29

Filed under: swimming training — andy @ 1:47 pm
Warning: Undefined variable $ingallery in /usr/www/users/andypb/wp-content/plugins/iimage-gallery/iimage-gallery.php on line 284


I ran into a wall on Monday evening (figuratively – don’t do much real running these days), and so backed right off for the rest of the week. I was due a light week next week, so deceided to take the superundercompensation right now (see comment by Mairi Brimble 2006 07 30). Hopefully I will be able to pick up condition by the end of the week.

July 23, 2007

2007 07 22

Filed under: swimming training — andy @ 1:21 pm
Warning: Undefined variable $ingallery in /usr/www/users/andypb/wp-content/plugins/iimage-gallery/iimage-gallery.php on line 284


Training consistency has been good for the last few weeks. I’ve been comfortable doing the bulk of the work in the 1st half of the week – two sessions daily from Monday to Thursday but all alone – no more squad work – and am about to start an easy 30 min sea swim on both Saturday & Sunday to get the reflexes accustomed to the less stable sea swimming.

As mentioned in some of the earlier posts, I have spend a lot of time adjusting my stroke to swim more efficiently. Even though I’m now comfortably holding last years milage & speed, I now feel a lot less tired in the mornings & less sore in the shoulders. Together with my twice-weekly 30 minute massages from Lindsey at the Sports Science Physio Centre I’m now feeling so good that I’m starting to wonder whether I’m training hard enough! 

However the UK weather is making sure that I don’t get too confident – the bad weather & floods there have seen a number of swimmers return home without even getting a swim.